something’s screwy. I’ll blame it on the golfball sized hailstorm we got Sunday evening, that the only odd occurence I could trace it back to. every now and then my code will be rewritten mysteriously and I got so much of it, i don’t feel like messing w/ it at the present time.
What else is new? I’m trying my hand at Tofu at home. It’s not Boba House quality but it’s edible. I found out what Tamari is, and the side benefit was I got by Earthfare on the blue moon when they made a batch of Oatmeal Cranberry and Orange cookies.
Lack of “good cable” finds me watching Thomas the Tank Engine and the Stanley Cup Finals. Go ‘Canes! yet oddly enough I sleep through Deadwood.
i think the offending piece of code has been found and excised. back when I was trying to figure out how to put google maps into MT i added something.
dang! you cookin’ with tofu at home? go head! make sure to cover it with fresh water when you store it:) i like tamari, but give me soy sauce any day!