I will start off by saying that I think my iriver is traversing the river styx. i tried to see if i could charge it in the mini usp port with a doohickey borrowed from our work mp3 recorder that turns it from a data cord to a powersupply cable. because I don’t have a car charger for this device.

Won’t boot up except for in that new config, but not all the way. This seems to be working in collusion with Apple’s super slashed prices on refurbished ipods. i had prided myself on resisting the cult of ipods this long. but damnit. shoot.

i’m overdue for some new technology.

a chat buddy of my typed in BOLD SCREAMING BROWN FONT that i need to blog more. I notice i blog more out of cynicism and angst. and I really haven’t had a lot to be that way about. things are really good right now in the personal-life department (other than my tech cravings) and I guess I don’t want to jinx it.

my side projects are taking off and it’s more of a decision about what direction i want to head into. I could do it all i guess. i sure want to.